Dr Tony Dhillon is a Consultant Medical Oncologist based at The Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
Dr Dhillon has been a consultant medical oncologist since 2010. He is a senior lecturer in Oncology at the University of Surrey and Imperial College London, looking into new treatment in GI cancers.
He treats colorectal, liver, pancreas, biliary, NET and GIST tumours.
Dr Dhillon trained in medical oncology at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust hospitals (Hammersmith and Charing Cross Hospitals) and Chelsea and Westminster and the Royal Free Hospital.
He has a PhD from Imperial College London in the field of cancer cell signaling funded by a CR-UK clinical training fellowship.
He has been a Wellcome Trust fellow at the University of Oxford and a lecturer in physiology at the University of Oxford.
Dr Sebastian Cummins is a Consultant Clinical Oncologist based at St. Luke's Cancer Centre at The Royal Surrey County Hospital in Guildford.
Dr Cummins specialises in upper and lower gastrointestinal malignancies and hepato-pancreatobiliary (liver and pancreas) malignancy.
He is based at St Lukes' Cancer Centre, from where he is involved in a wide range of research based protocols, both with regards to novel biological therapies and technical radiotherapy development.