Tuesday, 07 July 2015 09:31

Dr Thomas Newsom-Davis

Dr Thomas Newsom-Davis is a Consultant Medical Oncologist based at The Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

Dr Newsom-Davis trained at University College and Middlesex School of Medicine, and graduated in anatomy and medicine in 1998. He subsequently specialised in medical oncology at Charing Cross and Hammersmith Hospitals. During this time he completed a PhD in tumour immunology, funded by Cancer Research UK, and went on to become a Clinical Lecturer in medical oncology at Imperial College London, supported by the Wellcome Trust and Academy of Medical Sciences. He has published several peer-reviewed papers and presented at many conferences.

Dr Newsom-Davis specialises in the treatment of lung cancer, mesothelioma and other thoracic malignancies. Dr Newsom-Davis has taught widely at both under-gradate and post-graduate levels, as well as being an invited lecturer for various organisations including the Royal College of Physicians and the British Medical Journal. He foundered the first Royal Society of Medicine/LCA acute oncology course, and also runs regular simulation based acute oncology training courses at Chelsea and Westminster. His work was recognised in the 2011 Health Services Journal Awards.

Awards Dr Newsom-Davis has received include: 2011 Health Services Journal Awards, Clinical Service Redesign (short listed), 2006 McElwain Scholarship, Association of Cancer Physicians, and in 2006 President’s Prize, Royal College of Physicians.

He is a member of the Royal College of Physicians, Association of Cancer Physicians, European Society of Medical Oncology, British Thoracic Oncology Group and the British Medical Association.

Published in Oncologists
Tuesday, 07 July 2015 09:27

Dr Susan Cleator

Dr Susan Cleator is a Consultant Clinical Oncologist based at Charing Cross Hospital, part of Imperial College Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.

Dr Cleator trained at Oxford University and Hospitals, and undertook her oncology training at the Charing Cross, Hammersmith, Mount Vernon and The Royal Marsden Hospitals. During this period she also spent three years working full-time on her PhD project at the Institute of Cancer Research and Royal Marsden Hospital. This focused on identifying a molecular assay for predicting the response of breast cancers to chemotherapy. She has published on this and a number of other aspects of oncology.

She works closely with her surgical colleagues at St Mary's hospital where she is responsible for the chemotherapy and radiotherapy aspects of their treatment, specializing in breast, colorectal and lymphomatous cancers. 

Dr Cleator was previously a member of Breast Cancer Studies Group (overseeing Breast Cancer National Research portfolio) and is a member of the American Association Cancer Physicians and the British Medical Association.

Published in Oncologists
Tuesday, 07 July 2015 09:21

Prof Steve Schey

Professor Steve Schey is a Professor of Haematology based at King's College Hospital in London.

Prof Schey qualified at St George's Hospital in 1974, and later travelled to Australia where he worked at the Institute of Clinical Pathology and Medical Research in Sydney as Clinical Lecturer in Haematology.

He returned to London where he was the Bone Marrow Transplant Co-ordinator at the Royal Free Hospital and then the Royal Marsden. Later he moved to the Middlesex Hospital and subsequently served as Director of Clinical Haematology for the Guy's/St Thomas' Trust from 1993-2004 before moving to King’s College Hospital in 2005.

Professor Steve Schey was Secretary and then Chair of the UK Myeloma Forum 1999-2009. He has been Clinical Lead for South East Thames Cancer Network, since 2005. In addition, he is amember of the National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) Haemoncology Cancer Steering Group, the NCRI Industry Adoption Panel and Chairman of the NCRI Myeloma Clinical Trials Committee.

Published in Haematologist
Tuesday, 07 July 2015 09:15

Dr Steve Harland

Dr Steve Harland is a Consultant Medical Oncologist based at University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Dr Harland trained in medical oncology at the Royal Marsden Hospital following 3 years of research on clinical pharmacology (Hammersmith Hospital) and biochemical pharmacology (Institute of Cancer Research, Sutton). His MD thesis was on mechanisms of resistance to chemotherapy in human tumours. He worked as a senior lecturer in medical oncology for a year in Glasgow before being appointed to the Institute of Urology, UCL

Dr Harland was appointed Senior Lecturer in Medical Oncology at the Institute of Urology in 1986. Since then he has specialised in testis, bladder and prostate cancers and has led on the medical oncological treatment of these tumours at Middlesex and University College Hospitals. 

He has served as Chairman of the MRC Bladder Cancer Group, of the North London Urology Tumour Board and he continues to chair the Castration-resistant Subgroup of the National Cancer Research Network Prostate Cancer Clinical Studies Group. He was on the Editorial Committee of the Government’s document for improving outcomes in urological cancer. He frequently speaks at International meetings.

Published in Oncologists
Tuesday, 07 July 2015 09:04

Prof Stephen Deveraux

Professor Stephen Devereux is a Consultant Haematologist based at King's College Hospital in London.  He is also Professor in Lymphoma Biology at King's College London.

Professor Devereus trained in Haematology at the Royal Free and University College London Hospitals where he also worked as a Senior Lecturer.

Professor Devereux has extensive experience in the diagnosis and treatment of blood cancers with a particular interest in lymphoid malignances and chronic lymphatic leukaemia. He plays an active role in both laboratory and clinical research and directs an internationally competitive team working on the biology of lymphoma at King's College London.

Professor Devereux is Clinical Director of the London South Comprehensive Local Research Network and the South East London Cancer Research Network. He is a medical advisor to the Lymphoma Association and serves on the executive of the UK-CLL forum executive, the NCRN CLL subgroup and the Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research Fund Clinical Trials Committee.

Published in Haematologist
Friday, 26 June 2015 15:08

Prof Siow Ming Lee

Professor SM Lee is a Professor of Medical Oncology at UCL Cancer Institute and Cancer Research UK (CRUK) Lung Cancer Centre of Excellence, and a Consultant Oncologist at UCLH.

Prof Lee studied medicine at St Mary’s Hospital Medical School, University of London, before completing his medical oncology fellowship training at Guy’s and Christie Hospitals. He was a recipient of the American Association for Cancer Research Upjohn Award in 1993, McElwain Prize by the Association of Cancer Physicians in 1994, and completed his postgraduate PhD degree at CRUK Manchester Paterson Institute in 1994. He was appointed a Consultant Medical Oncologist at UCLH in 1998 to specialize in the treatment lung cancer and lymphoma.

Published in Oncologists
Friday, 26 June 2015 15:06

Dr Simon Chowdhury

Dr Simon Chowdhury is a Consultant Medical Oncologist based at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust.

Dr Chowdhury was appointed to Guy’s hospital in 2007 to lead the medical oncology group in the treatment of urological cancers.

Dr Chowdhury received his first degree from the University of Cambridge and qualified as a doctor at Guys and St Thomas’ Medical School. He completed his PhD in tumour targeting at University College London. He also trained at St George’s and The Royal Marsden Hospitals. He was a Visiting Fellow at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, with which he retains strong links. Between 2000 and 2003. Dr Chowdhury was a Research Fellow for Cancer Research UK.

He is actively involved in clinical trial research into urological cancer, and is a member of the London Kidney Cancer Group which aims to develop further clinical trials in the London area. He is the joint lead for the treatment of urological cancers within the South East London Cancer Network.

He has co-authored over 20 papers in peer-reviewed journals and contributed chapters to six medical texts

Published in Oncologists
Friday, 26 June 2015 15:03

Dr Samir Agrawal

Dr Samir Agrawal is a Consultant Haematologist based at St Bartholomew's Hospital in London.

Dr Agrawal qualified initially at the University of Bristol subsequently training at The Royal Marsden Cancer Hospitals and being awarded his PhD (in Immunology) at the University of Paris. A former national junior chess champion, Dr Agrawal today is also Director of The Stem Cell Laboratory (at St Bartholomew's) and Head of Diagnostic Immunophenotyping in addition to his consultant and teaching roles.

Dr Agrawal sits on several bodies reviewing outcomes in haemato-oncology, and was a winner of one of the NHS Innovator Awards in 2006 for his work on the introduction of new diagnostic tests for the diagnosis of human leukaemias. A fluent French speaker, he also runs a specialist translation service preparing clinical and scientific medical articles originally written in French for publication in international English/American medical literature.

Published in Haematologist
Friday, 26 June 2015 15:00

Dr Ronald Beaney

Dr Ronald Beaney is a Consultant Clinical Oncologist based at Guys and St. Thomas' NHS Trust in London.

Dr Beaney did his undergraduate training in Scotland followed by posts abroad and in the UK. His oncology training was at the Hammersmith Hospital in London where his MD thesis was on the role of positron emission topography in oncology.

He has been a Consultant Clinical Oncologist attached to Guy's and St Thomas' and King's College Hospitals in London. His major clinical interests lie in tumours of the brain (gliomas) and pelvis (prostate and gynaecological tumours). His current interests are novel drugs for treating tumours and the use of stereotactic radiation, both gamma knife and cyber knife.

Dr Beaney has been on the Faculty Board of the Royal College of Radiologists and an examiner for the same college. He is a Council member of the British neuro-oncology society and a member of the brain tumour working party of the European Organisation for the treatment of Cancer (EORTC) and he is a member of several UK, European and American Cancer Societies and examiner for the Royal College of Radiologists.

Published in Oncologists
Friday, 26 June 2015 14:52

Dr Rebecca Kristeleit

Dr Rebecca Kristeleit is Clinical Senior Lecturer and Consultant Medical Oncologist at University College London and University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Dr Kristeleit specialises in the treatment of gynaecological cancers.

Dr Kristeleit qualified in medicine from St Andrew’s and Manchester Universities including eight months at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland) on an Erasmus scholarship. Following general medical training in London, Rebecca undertook her medical oncology training at The Royal Marsden Hospital and a CRUK-funded research fellowship at the Institute of Cancer Research. Subsequently, Rebecca spent a year as a senior research fellow on the Drug Development Unit at the Royal Marsden Hospital gaining specialist experience in the design and conduct of early phase clinical trials and translational medicine.

She also has a specialist interest in drug development as well and is leading several clinical trials of novel agents relevant to gynecological malignancies including PARP inhibitors.

Published in Oncologists
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