UK Prostate Cancer Consultants

Tuesday, 07 July 2015 09:15

Dr Steve Harland

Dr Steve Harland is a Consultant Medical Oncologist based at University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Dr Harland trained in medical oncology at the Royal Marsden Hospital following 3 years of research on clinical pharmacology (Hammersmith Hospital) and biochemical pharmacology (Institute of Cancer Research, Sutton). His MD thesis was on mechanisms of resistance to chemotherapy in human tumours. He worked as a senior lecturer in medical oncology for a year in Glasgow before being appointed to the Institute of Urology, UCL

Dr Harland was appointed Senior Lecturer in Medical Oncology at the Institute of Urology in 1986. Since then he has specialised in testis, bladder and prostate cancers and has led on the medical oncological treatment of these tumours at Middlesex and University College Hospitals. 

He has served as Chairman of the MRC Bladder Cancer Group, of the North London Urology Tumour Board and he continues to chair the Castration-resistant Subgroup of the National Cancer Research Network Prostate Cancer Clinical Studies Group. He was on the Editorial Committee of the Government’s document for improving outcomes in urological cancer. He frequently speaks at International meetings.

Published in Oncologists
Friday, 26 June 2015 15:06

Dr Simon Chowdhury

Dr Simon Chowdhury is a Consultant Medical Oncologist based at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust.

Dr Chowdhury was appointed to Guy’s hospital in 2007 to lead the medical oncology group in the treatment of urological cancers.

Dr Chowdhury received his first degree from the University of Cambridge and qualified as a doctor at Guys and St Thomas’ Medical School. He completed his PhD in tumour targeting at University College London. He also trained at St George’s and The Royal Marsden Hospitals. He was a Visiting Fellow at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, with which he retains strong links. Between 2000 and 2003. Dr Chowdhury was a Research Fellow for Cancer Research UK.

He is actively involved in clinical trial research into urological cancer, and is a member of the London Kidney Cancer Group which aims to develop further clinical trials in the London area. He is the joint lead for the treatment of urological cancers within the South East London Cancer Network.

He has co-authored over 20 papers in peer-reviewed journals and contributed chapters to six medical texts

Published in Oncologists
Friday, 26 June 2015 15:00

Dr Ronald Beaney

Dr Ronald Beaney is a Consultant Clinical Oncologist based at Guys and St. Thomas' NHS Trust in London.

Dr Beaney did his undergraduate training in Scotland followed by posts abroad and in the UK. His oncology training was at the Hammersmith Hospital in London where his MD thesis was on the role of positron emission topography in oncology.

He has been a Consultant Clinical Oncologist attached to Guy's and St Thomas' and King's College Hospitals in London. His major clinical interests lie in tumours of the brain (gliomas) and pelvis (prostate and gynaecological tumours). His current interests are novel drugs for treating tumours and the use of stereotactic radiation, both gamma knife and cyber knife.

Dr Beaney has been on the Faculty Board of the Royal College of Radiologists and an examiner for the same college. He is a Council member of the British neuro-oncology society and a member of the brain tumour working party of the European Organisation for the treatment of Cancer (EORTC) and he is a member of several UK, European and American Cancer Societies and examiner for the Royal College of Radiologists.

Published in Oncologists
Friday, 26 June 2015 14:02

Prof Jonathan Waxman

Professor Jonathan Waxman is Professor of Oncology at Imperial College London.

Prof Waxman practises as a general oncologist, treating patients with a wide range of malignancies. He specialises in urological oncology treating patients with prostate, kidney, bladder and testicular cancer and has developed new treatments for these conditions such as LHRH agonist therapy for prostate cancer.

He helped establish an All Party Parliamentary Group to improve cancer treatment and rationalise cancer research throughout the UK and has developed and led successful media campaigns to rationalise cancer treatments and change government health policy.

He has had many years experience in Medico-Legal work providing expert reports to plantiff and defendant and appearing as an expert witness. He  has written a textbook of medical law and many medical textbook and research papers. Professor Waxman has written around 400 scientific research papers and chapters and 11 books on cancer.

Published in Oncologists
Wednesday, 06 May 2015 12:58

Mr Stephen Prescott

Mr Stephen Prescott is a Consultant Urological Surgeon based at The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.

Mr Prescott has a general adult urological practice with a large commitment to urological oncology due mainly to tertiary referrals of patients with pelvic cancer who may wish to consider surgical care.

Following two years as a Senior Lecturer at Edinburgh University and Consultant Urological and Transplant Surgeon at the Western General Hospital, Edinburgh. He was appointed Consultant Urologist in Leeds in 1995. He is experienced in both robotically assisted (since 2008) and open radical prostatectomy (since 1996) and cystectomy.

He is a member of the British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS), European Association of Urology (EAU), and the European Organisation for the Research and Treatment of Cancer GU Group (EORTC).

Published in Surgeons
Wednesday, 06 May 2015 12:55

Dr Stephen Lloyd Morris

Dr Stephen Lloyd Morris is a Consultant Clinical Oncologist based at Guys & St Thomas’ Hospitals and Kings College Hospital in London.

After graduating from Guys and St Thomas’ medical school Dr Morris specialised in Oncology at the Royal Marsden Hospital and at Guy's and St Thomas' Hospitals.

His unique practice includes real time dynamic prostate brachytherapy. A new treatment offered to patients in the UK at Guys and St Thomas’ and privately at London Bridge Hospital. Dr Morris has extensive experience of radiotherapy for prostate cancer including the modern techniques of IMRT, IGRT and Tomotherapy.

As a world expert in cutaneous lymphoma he offers a modern Total Skin Electron Beam (TSEB) technique at Guys and St Thomas Hospitals and the St Johns Institute of Dermatology. The St Johns institute is a world leading centre of excellence for the management of cutaneous lymphoma and the national referral centre in the UK. Through his interests in technology he designed and released a free cutaneous lymphoma iPhone app that is now used world wide to assist healthcare professionals managing cutaneous lymphoma.

Dr Morris is a Member of the Royal College of Radiologists, the British Institute of Radiology, the British Medical Association and is an active member of the EORTC cutaneous lymphoma task force and principal investigator for new drug and radiotherapy trials for cutaneous lymphoma and prostate cancer.

Published in Oncologists
Wednesday, 06 May 2015 12:52

Dr Simon Russell

Dr Simon Russell is a Consultant Clinical Oncologist based at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge.

Dr Russell trained at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals London where he was awarded a first class honours degree, distinction and several academic prizes. Following general medical training at Guy’s Hospital he undertook his formal oncology training at Addenbrooke’s Hospital Cambridge and University College Hospital London. He also spent a year with the Institute of Urology at the Middlesex Hospital. During his training he was awarded the Royal College of Radiology Medal for the FRCR examination.

Dr Russell works closely with his surgical colleagues, employing the latest techniques using radiotherapy (including brachytherapy), hormonal therapy, chemotherapy and biological therapy to treat urological cancers (prostate and bladder), breast cancer and skin cancers. With his colleagues at Addenbrooke’s Hospital he has brought state of the art radiotherapy such as Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT), Image Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT) and prostate Brachytherapy into clinical practice.

Dr Russell is a Member of the Royal College of Radiologists, British Uro-Oncology Group (Secretary) and the Medical Protection Society.

Published in Oncologists
Wednesday, 06 May 2015 12:47

Dr Shaun Tolan

Dr Shaun Tolan is  a Consultant Oncologist based at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre in the Wirral.

Dr Tolan specialises in breast and urological (prostate and bladder) cancers. He has NHS clinica at Clatterbridge and at Warrington and Halton and Arrowe Park Hospitals.  He is a member of the Multidisciplinary Teams for breast cancer at Warrington and Halton, and urology at both Warrington and Halton and Arrowe Park Hospitals.

Dr Tolans specialist training was at The Christie, Manchester and his clinical research fellowship was at the University of Toronto's Department of Radiation Oncology at Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto.

In private practice he treat patients with breast, prostate and bladder cancers with chemotherapy, hormone therapy and radiotherapy and uses radiotherapy to palliate symptoms from cancer and for the treatment of skin cancers.

Dr Tolan is the Chair of the Medical Advisory Board and therefore has an important role in advising the The Clatterbridge Clinic’s management team on all medical matters relating to the clinic, including clinical governance.

He is a member of the Royal College of Physicians, a Fellow of Royal College of Radiologists (Faculty of Clinical Oncology), British Uro-oncology Group and the British Medical Association.

Published in Oncologists
Wednesday, 06 May 2015 12:43

Dr Shabbir Susnerwala

Dr Shabbir Susnerwala is a Consultant Clinical Oncologist based at The Rosemere Cancer Centre at the Royal Preston Hospital.

Dr Susnerwala qualified in oncology at Bombays largest cancer hospital, the Tata Memorial Hospital and was appointed as a consultant oncologist in 1989. He decided to move to the UK in 1992 and joined Europe's largest cancer centre, The Christie Hospital, Manchester where he consolidated his oncological experience. In 1996 he was appointed as Consultant Clinical Oncologist at the newly established Rosemere Cancer Centre.

He specialises in the treatment of Colorectal, Breast and Urological cancers. His expertise have been widely sought for many years both in clinical practice and education and he has held a number of positions that reflect this. These include Clinical Director for Oncology Services, Educational Supervisor, College Tutor (Royal College of Radiologists), Overseas Doctors Mentor, Member of Postgraduate Committee (Royal Preston Hospital), Audit Lead for Oncology,  Lead Cancer Clinician for Lancashire Teaching Hospital chain and is a member of the Clinical Governance Committee for Oncology.

Dr Susnerwala is a member of The Royal College of Radiologists and speaks English, Gujarati and Hindi.

Published in Oncologists
Wednesday, 06 May 2015 12:35

Dr Sarah Harris

Dr Sarah Harris is a Consultant Clinical Oncologist based at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust in London.

Dr Harris trained in clinical oncology as a specialist registrar in Poole and Southampton and as a senior registrar at St Bartholomews Hospital. She spent 2 months in the USA looking at advanced radiotherapy techniques before becoming a consultant clinical oncologist at Guy's and St Thomas'. 

Dr Harris has been a Consultant at Guy's and St Thomas' since 1998. She specialises in the treatment of breast and prostate cancers using drug therapy and radiotherapy. She has a special interest in the use of advanced radiotherapy techniques to deliver the best quality treatment while minimising the side effects to the patient. This allows the external radiotherapy used in breast cancer to avoid the heart and other important structures.

Dr Harris is part of the multi-disciplinary team Guys and St Thomas, which assesses patients’ suitability for intra-operative radiotherapy . This is given as a single treatment to the breast in some patients and may avoid a longer course of external radiotherapy. Dr Harris has trained in treatment of breast and urological cancers using radiotherapy and drug therapies including hormone treatments and chemotherapy and targeted therapies. She is trained in the use of advanced radiotherapy techniques including IMRT and cyberknife with breast cancer and advanced radiotherapy techniques including IMRT , IGRT and cyberknife for urological cancer treatments.

Dr Harris has had many papers published in peer review journals and books, on the management of breast and urological cancers. She is a member of Royal College of Radiologists and Royal College of Physicians

Published in Oncologists
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